Monday, April 26, 2010

Elliott Thorpe

Projects and Assignments:
Tiny Sculptures based on words and beginning of blog assignment
Drew four of the tiny sculptures
Made four models based on the contour line of the drawings
Picked one of the models to enlarge and produce twice
Slipped the two enlarged sculptures
Glazed the two enlarged sculptures
Perfect box and container
Pedestal for perfect box
Glazed small pieces, pedestal, box and container
Press Mold process (make eight)
glaze press mold pieces
Raku fire
Phoenix Project
Final Blog assignment

Videos, events, and formal crits/discussions:
crited manipulation project, pedestals, and press molds
briefly looked at containers
Maya Lin video and some bossy sculpture lady
presentations by Mahlon and Wayne about their work

1) Worst Moment was not listening to directions.
Result: I got made fun of a lot
I learned: that we're given instructions for a reason in the long run in may help to listen to the instructions the first time around to learn techniques then break the rules the second time for further learning experiences.

2) I don't feel I had a best moment showing me that I can push myself harder and I have room to grow.

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