Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Becca Polinski

Final Blog

April 28, 8:50pm

40 mini sculptures from words
1 lb timed sculpture
4 drawings from mini sculptures
Cut up drawings
4 Miquette 4" sculptures
16" coil built sculpture
Slip pattern on coil sculpture
Glaze coil built sculpture
Slab built box from body measurements
Slab built container for mini sculptures
Heavy/Light pedestal for box
2 objects for mold making
5 drawings for mold making project
1 Hybridized sculpture form
Plaster mold
8 Molds of hybridized sculpture
Glazed Box
Glazed Container
Glazed B/W Mini sculptures
8 Molds glazed: Black, White, Color, Cold "glaze"
Raku Firing
Project Phoenix
Final Blog
Class Clean up

Movies/Crits/In class events:

Maya Lin
Louise Nevelson
Mahlon Talk
Wayne Talk
4 Tea Party Crits

Best Moment:
Dancing with Wayne at the Raku firing, But close second would be "Glazing"

Worst Moment:
Its just clay, so no bad moments had :D

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