Friday, April 30, 2010

Justine Cruz

Autobiographical Questionnaire
Being Mindful Blog
Time commitment sculpture
40 Small sculptures from words
4 Drawings from sculptures
4 Elements
Container for sculpture
Perfect Box
Pedestal for Box
Hybrid sculpture
8 Press Molds
Project Phoenix
Final Blog

Videos, events, and formal crits/discussions:
Maya Lin
Louise Nevelson
Mahlon Artist Talk
Wayne Artist Talk
Tea Party Crits
Raku Firing

My Worst Moment…would have to be when container for my sculptures, my perfect (not so perfect) box and pedestal all broke! It was disappointing but I learned a lot about the craft of clay and how you really have to work at it to get it to do what you want. I learned that slipping and scoring the very important when building a sculpture!

My Best Moment…was definitely doing the raku firing because I have never done that before so I was wicked excited about that and I was told that we wouldn’t do that at all at Alfred so that was awesome! I also really enjoyed making the press molds I thought the process for that project was really interesting. I feel like I learned the most from that project with drying time and putting the three part mold together, then smoothing it out. The decoration on the press molds I also had a lot of fun doing, so in my final project I wanted those pieces to be a focal point! I have really enjoyed this class and I think it’s funny that the last project was named project Justine!! Even though my stuff broke through the process of firing and such it’s good to be able to break everything and reassemble it in a different way, it’s giving new life to old work. Thanks for a great class!

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