Sunday, May 2, 2010

Katherine Lin

List of Classwork
-make a small clay sculpture... use 5 pounds of clay?
-make 40 sculptures according to 40 words
-arrange the 40 pieces and make name tags
-make 4 observational drawings based on some of the 40 pieces
-use partial outlines of the drawings to create 4 sculptures out of 4"x4" cubes.
-enlarge one of the 4 cubic products, make two of them. (I made one.)
-learn to make slabs
-make a "perfect" box with three measurements from my body, using the slab technique
-make a container for the 40 pieces that contextualizes each one, using the slab technique
-slip paint & design the enlargement project
-glaze the container and the 40 little pieces
-make a pedestal for the box, make it seem light or heavy
-collect objects of mass production & from the nature
-combine the texture/characteristics of the two objects and make a sculpture for mold making and casting
-Raku glazing & firing
-break the finished pieces from above for the final project
-blogging, including observation from daily basis, ask a question about Wayne's work in the faculty show, a question for the enlargement project and final blogging
-tea party + group crit

Videos Played in Class
-Maya Lin
-Louise Nevelson
-Isamu Noguchi

Other presentations
-slide show of Wayne's works
-slide show of Mahlon's works

Best times:
After saying sorry and good-bye in mind to my pieces, I really enjoyed breaking every single one of them.
Raku firing was fun.
Translating descriptions on the tea packages was fun, too.
And I really enjoy studying people's working process and style. I like it when I see drawings, now I feel I'm able to see a little in sculptures, too!

Down moment:
Someone already told me it's an excuse, but I think I process slower when it comes to sculptures. It doesn't feel good just staring a the assignment sheet and produce a piece without feeling thoroughly inspired. A better image of my works would come to my mind after the project is over. Good thing it's an intro level course so the main thing is getting to know clay; and I did learn a lot about this material...
To be honest, my worst moment is when I start to compare the involvement I have in my two sophomore studios. The other one is Intro to Painting; Wayne, would you like to share the transition experience you had between these two dimensions?

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