Sunday, May 2, 2010



  • 40 sculptures (manipulations) of a list of words
  • 1/2 pound intense concentration sculpture
  • drawings of manipulations
  • 4" bi- and asymmetric models from drawings of manipulations
  • two 16" sculptures (scaled up version of one 4" model)
  • slipworked pattern over 16" sculpture
  • clear glaze over 16" bisqued sculpture
  • perfect box using Wayne's slab technique
  • different slab "box" to hold 10 manipulations
  • pedestal for perfect box (play with gravity)
  • glaze slab "box" and pedestal
  • make solid object for pressmold (organic v man made)
  • make plaster mold
  • make 8 of press mold objects
  • glaze/decorate mold objects in following categories: bisque, black glaze, white glaze, 2 raku, color glaze, cold glaze, one of our choice
  • project phoenix
  • write this blog


  • Isamu Noguchi
  • Louise Nevelson
  • Maya Lin


  • Kiln Orientation with Shawn
  • Mahlon's work (undergrad and recent)
  • Wayne's work  (sample of body of work + Skywell Falls)
  • Discussions over tea
  • Raku Saturday

Moments:  I hope it's not cheating when I say that my best and worst moments were one in the same.  Coming out of the manipulation "box" project, I found that I was really unhappy with my work.  Not only had most of it exploded in the kiln, but there was nothing that was really drawing me to the material.  I decided to put my heart into the pedestal project and really make something that I liked.  I worked on that pedestal for a long time, making sure everything was perfect.  I was careful with my greenware box, knowing it was fragile.  But then the later it got that night, I began to focus more on the pedestal and started using the bottom edge of my box as a tool.  

That's when I punched through my box.  After the most sickening crunch I've ever heard, I realized that my hand was inside my box.  I stood back, took a deep breath, and immediately started working.  I remember thinking, "I will not, CANnot let this phase me.  Use it."  It took me about 5 minutes to finish.

So, worst moment?  All the frustration I'd felt from the first half of the semester going into that box and therefore breaking it.

Best moment? The proceeding 5 minutes.

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