Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final blog assignment/Cindi Kelly

Maya Lin
Louise Nevelson
Slide show-
Professor Wayne

Manipulations using 40 words
4 Drawings of Manipulations
Drawing crit
Cut drawings for bi-lateral symetry project
Make 4 small bi-lateral tests
Choose from 4 small tests and make 16" by 16" by 16" large bi-lateral symetry object using the take blobs of clay and press them together method
Make a perfect slab box with measurements taken from our bodies
Make a contextual slab box for our manipulations
Make a slab pedestal for our perfect boxes
Dress our bi-lateral symetry projects with black and white slip
Crit on bi-lateral symetry project with yummy teas
Blending an organic and mass produced object to create a new one
Make a press mold for these objects
Use the mold for 8 objects
Glaze manipulations in black or white glaze
Glaze perfect box, manipulation box, and pedestal
Crit on perfect box and pedestal
Glaze 8 hybrid objects in black, white, color, raku, and cold methods
Raku firing experience
Phoenix project

I have to say that I've had a few worst moments. One was the crit on my perfect box and pedestal. It was such an ugly glaze no one could come up with anything to say about them. Fianlly Professor Wayne came up with "Your pedestal looks like furniture." Hmmmmmm. And I have hated(underline hated) the Phoenix project. It didn't bother me to break up the pieces but I had so much trouble trying to get them to stay together. I also had a vision in my mind and wasn't able to achieve this vision. Sooooo frustrating. And I was really hoping to work in wet clay some more so the Phoenix project was a disappointing final project. What did I learn? Well I guess I learned that sometimes we have disappointments and it gives us a chance to look at how we deal with them. We get a chance to see our shadow self and I have had a long 2 weeks of looking at my shadow self and didn't like it. I have felt bitchy and ugly and frustrated for this whole project and what really felt bad was that I felt out of control of my actions and words. If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies. I am sorry. Whew. Glad that's over and out!

My best moments were working on the box for our manipulations. I felt it was an exciting project where we were able to feel a little freedom in our work. I loved seeing all the different concepts that were born from this project. I thought everyone's creativity shined. I felt a little envious of all the beautiful pieces that came from all the talented clay artists in our class. I also loved, loved, loved our raku moment. It was a really fun and the results were amazing! Thanks Professor Wayne. You are Awesome.

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